Feldenkrais Method


What Is Feldenkrais Method?

Although not a practitioner himself, the Feldenkrais Method has highly influenced Kai’s approach to training and is the foundation upon which he has developed his skills. The Feldenkrais method was developed by a man by the name of Moshe Feldenkrais: a physicist, engineer, and martial artist. He, upon injuring his knee, discovered that even the smallest movements affected change in the entire body, leading to an understanding that, despite being made up of multiple subsystems, the body works as a singular complex.


What Is Feldenkrais Method?

Although not a practitioner himself, the Feldenkrais Method has highly influenced Kai’s approach to training and is the foundation upon which he has developed his skills. The Feldenkrais method was developed by a man by the name of Moshe Feldenkrais: a physicist, engineer, and martial artist. He, upon injuring his knee, discovered that even the smallest movements affected change in the entire body, leading to an understanding that, despite being made up of multiple subsystems, the body works as a singular complex.

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Your body doesn’t magically adjust itself to have the perfect form. You need to focus on what you’re doing and have an understanding of yourself to be able to discern what movements are “good” and “bad” in the context of what you are aiming to do. This is key for not only preventing injury but also increasing the longevity of your training.

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